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Advancing social intelligence skills

The Developing Social Skills Program


Module 1: Demonstrate Physical Intellect

“The visible interpretation of the mental state” 
(How someone feels on the inside is reflected in their actions and attitudes)


  • Recognise high and low road reactions

  • Recognise emotional states of others and demonstrate appropriate behaviour

  • Analyse and identify facial expressions

  • Identify positive and negative dialogue

  • Discover personal explanatory style

  • Evaluate and utilise optimistic attitudes

  • Utilise critical thinking skills to evaluate set-backs

  • Action positive internal dialogue to overcome set-backs

  • Analyse social networks 

  • Identify the importance of the five senses in creating personal boundaries

  • Recognise personal, social and emotional boundaries

  • Evaluate the benefit of creating personal boundaries 

  • Choose happiness using gratitude and mindfulness.

  • Recognise and appreciate personal strengths



Module 2: Utilise Appropriate Business and Social Manners

“Recognise and exercise the rules of engagement in social, business and cultural environments while observing consideration for the individual”


  • Research the development of tribal behaviour in humans

  • Identify the origins of cultural practices

  • Recognise group rules and individual roles within the group structure

  • Analyse the validity of the stereotype

  • Identify behaviours associated with specific events within a culture

  • Differentiating Etiquette and Manners

  • Learn international cultural manners and accepted practices

  • Develop and apply cultural attunement

  • Apply the time/space/context concepts to a cultural situation

  • Identify the human grooming process

  • Apply appropriate introduction protocols

  • Analyse the structure of small talk

  • Recognise the benefits of small talk

  • Demonstrate confident social dining skills

  • Recognise and apply inclusive interactions



Module 3: Personal Presentation and Dress Codes

"Recognise that every situation has a dress code as part of the human group process”


  • Analyse the theory and purpose of the first impression

  • Analyse and utilise the principles of the successful first impression

  • Recognise the value of implementing a dress code when interacting in groups

  • Identify the three rules of personal presentation

  • Identify the four levels of the business casual dress code

  • Recognise a business dress code using identifying markers

  • Analyse the purpose and application of social dress codes

  • Identify dress codes for specific social events



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